This sweet tale about an unusual adoption sold more than 1.75 million copies in Japan
A long, long time ago, a baby ankylosaurus is born on a volcano erupting ground. As the little ankylosaurus begins wandering around, a big tyrannosaurus comes along. He is about to pounce when the baby cries out, “Daddy!” and grabs onto his leg. The baby thinks the tyrannosaurus is his father, so as not to disappoint the little one, he takes on the task of raising a baby ankylosaur. The two develop ever stronger bonds of love, but soon comes the day when they must part. Highlighting the importance of family and of the love between parent and child, this sweet picture book celebrates adoption.
"The Tyrannosaurus looks more like a stylized Godzilla than a recognizable dino in the simply drawn pictures, but his toothy fierceness and the extreme size differential between him and tiny 'Yummy' ably capture the episode's essential features. Bold lines and strong color contrasts (plus the odd exploding volcano) give the prehistoric landscape plenty of visual appeal too." —Vicky Smith, Kirkus Reviews
"Bestselling Japanese artist Miyanishi’s (Mr. Reaper) bold, woodcutlike spreads draw immediate attention . . . . In contrast to his muscular artwork, Miyanishi’s writing tugs at the heartstrings as a newborn Ankylosaurus adopts a Tyrannosaurus Rex as his parent." —Publishers Weekly
"Warning: Parents might shed a tear or two at the ending." —Alyson, eatreadandbemommy.com
"You Look Yummy! Is an utterly endearing story that touched my heart; and I can see why it’s an international best seller. It’s the best picture book for boys I’ve seen all year." —Susan Roberts, books4thecuriouschild.com
"I think probably the best children's book I have read all year!" —Jezire Akin, readjezireread.blogspot.com
"I admit it: I’m not much of a dinosaur fan – on the page, anyway. Far too many books starring these behemoth beings seem to loom over my desk. That said, every once in a (long) while, I discover an irresistible prehistoric beast with a story that just melts even my cynical old heart." —Terry Hong, smithsonianapa.org
"Children will be instantly attracted to Miyanishi’s illustrations. Throughout its pages, there are artistic touches like a white sky, coloring outside the edges to make the images pop, and hash marks for the dinos that serve as texture 101." —Justin Tadaldi, JQ Magazine
"Grab yourself a copy of this beautiful children's story. You will be so happy you did." —A. Renee Hunt, areneehunt.com
Author Biography
Tatsuya Miyanishi is one of the most popular children’s book artists in Japan. He is a winner of the Kodansha Cultural Award in the Picture Book category, as well as the Kenbuchi City Picture Book Village Award.